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Author Profile

Venkatesan, Rajkumar

Biography: Professor of Business Administration Rajkumar Venkatesan teaches First Year "Marketing" and "Marketing Analytics" at Darden. Venkatesan's research focuses on developing customer-centric marketing strategies that provide measurable financial results. In his research, he aims to balance quantitative rigor and strategic relevance.

Venkatesan's research has appeared in several journals including Journal of MarketingJournal of Marketing ResearchMarketing Science and theHarvard Business Review. Many of his research publications have been recognized with prestigious awards such as the Don Lehmann Award for the best dissertation-based article published in the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research, the MSI Alden G. Clayton Award for the best marketing dissertation proposal and the ISBM Outstanding Dissertation Proposal Award. He was recently selected as one of the top 20 rising young scholars in marketing by the Marketing Science Institute. He has consulted with firms in the technology, retailing and pharmaceutical industries on their marketing analytics initiatives. For his work with IBM, he was recognized as one of the three finalists worldwide for the Informs Practice Prize Competition.

Before coming to Darden, Venkatesan taught database marketing, marketing research and quantitative marketing models to graduate students at the University of Connecticut. There, he was the recipient of the MBA Teacher of the Year Award. He received his PhD in marketing from the University of Houston and his BE in computer engineering from the University of Madras. 

Darden First-Year Marketing Course

Marketing Analytics Course Elective

Marketing Analytics Course Website
