This course highlights the importance of institutions and markets. Markets do not exist in a vacuum; participants interact in organized markets that are set up to promote efficient exchange of funds from buyers to sellers. Institutions, such as banks, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, etc., are key players in the capital markets looking for arbitrage opportunities; with their insights and volume of trading, any arbitrage opportunities are usually eliminated quickly, pushing markets to become more efficient. Markets that have existed for some time are generally efficient but that may not always be true for newer markets, such as some emerging markets. Trading in the markets takes place in the form of instruments, the most common of which are stocks and bonds. Constant innovation on the part of banks has created a large number of alternative securities; to the extent that these new instruments facilitate trading (or help in the execution of arbitrage trading strategies), they can have a long life (e.g., stock options) and earn banks fees.
Financial engineering (structured products) can provide a solution to clients' problems often in a cost-effective way. Arbitrage and financial engineering both entail risks; sometimes these risks are not clearly seen and evaluated properly, which can cause (and has caused) problems among banks and even for the entire market-based system (just think of the recent sub-prime mortgage crisis as one such example).
Risk management is a key function firms use to understand their exposures and manage them. Recent moves by banks have elevated its stature; only time will tell whether these new measures will be sufficient to avert new crises. The government plays a big role in the creation and evolution of the markets, most commonly via regulation. Regulation can also change the rules of the game altogether and create a new class of winners and losers. Understanding its implications is therefore critical to continued innovation and growth on the part of market participants.
This course is important for students pursuing careers in investment banking, private equity, sales and trading, hedge funds, investment management, and financial services. The course is also appropriate for those seeking careers in corporate treasuries or wanting to understand markets, as well as for financial consultants (such as asset management consultants). The course links with several courses in the MBA curriculum, such as Valuation, Investments, M&A, Financial Trading, and Fixed Income. With the exception of Valuation, none of the other courses listed here are requirements for taking or successfully completing this course. Click on the PDF icon next to this course title to download the full syllabus which has links to the course materials.