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Interchemical Consumer Products Division (C)
DARDEN, Darden Case F-0584 / Published March 28, 1991 / 10 pages.
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Product Overview

This sequel to the "Interchemical Consumer Products (A) and (B)" cases (F-0545 and F-0546) presents the revision of the model described in the B case after it gave management unfavorable results. The student must determine whether, and under what conditions, it is reasonable to redesign a model.

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  • Overview

    This sequel to the "Interchemical Consumer Products (A) and (B)" cases (F-0545 and F-0546) presents the revision of the model described in the B case after it gave management unfavorable results. The student must determine whether, and under what conditions, it is reasonable to redesign a model.

  • Learning Objectives