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Available document formats

Cases and technical notes are available in EPUB, Electronic Download, Master Hard Copy, and Student Hard Copy formats. Note: To reproduce Master Hard Copies for student distribution, you must also purchase Copyright Permissions. You must do so every time you plan to distribute a new batch of copies. 

  • Electronic Download format is offered in PDF (portable document format). Electronic Download orders are fulfilled immediately, and the customer receives instructions on how to access the case(s) to view and print. This method allows for immediate receipt of the order and saves shipping costs. You must also purchase Copyright Permission for the exact number of copies you plan to reproduce for student distribution.
  • EPUB, or Electronic Publication format, is an open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum. This option allows users to access documents on readers installed on most mobile devices.
  •   Master Hard Copy format is a reproduction copy of the case. You must also purchase copyright permission for the exact number of copies you plan to reproduce for student distribution. We print on demand and ship your order within three to five business days after it is printed.
  •   Student Hard Copy format provides the actual number of printed copies you wish to distribute to your students. Darden Business Publishing produces these materials double-sided on three-hole-punched paper, stapled in the upper left corner. We print on demand and ship your order within three to five days after it is printed.
  •   Copyright Permission grants permission to reproduce Electronic Download or Master Copy format materials at the customer’s site or copy center. Customers may realize significant savings in reproduction costs and shipping by selecting to reproduce the material at their own site. Note that you must also purchase an Electronic Download or Master Copy of the material, which is not included with a permission order. If you are purchasing additional permissions for a case you have previously purchased, please verify through Darden Business   Publishing that you have the latest version of the material you wish to reproduce.